User configuration administrative templates microsoft office 2013 security settings free. Install Administrative Template files for Microsoft Office

User configuration administrative templates microsoft office 2013 security settings free. Install Administrative Template files for Microsoft Office

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User configuration administrative templates microsoft office 2013 security settings free.Improve Office 2013 security with Group Policy 


User configuration administrative templates microsoft office 2013 security settings free.Server 2012 - Office 2013 admin GPO templates


Policy settings set to Not Configured do not affect users or computers. Enabling an Administrative Template policy setting activates the policy setting. When Enabled , the action described in the title of the policy setting applies to the user or computer. When Disabled , the opposite action described in the title of the policy setting applies to the user or computer.

Usually Not Configured and Disabled policy settings produce the same results. The difference is that Not Configured policy settings do not apply to the user, but Disabled policy settings apply to a user. Each Administrative Template policy setting provides detailed information about its Enabled , Disabled , and Not Configured states. You can view this information in the Help pane of each Administrative Template policy setting. Or, you can view this information for the selected policy setting in the Extended View of the editor.

The Configured property filter has three states: Any , Yes , and No. Setting this property filter to Any causes the Local Group Policy Editor to display all Administrative Template policy settings and is the default setting for this filter. Setting this property filter to Yes causes the editor to show only configured Administrative Template policy settings, hiding not configured policy settings.

Setting this property filter to No causes the editor to show only not configured Administrative Template policy settings, hiding configured policy settings. Each Administrative Template policy setting has a comment property. The Commented property allows you to enter text associated with a specific policy setting. The Commented property filter has three states: Any , Yes , and No.

Setting this proper filter to Yes causes the editor to show only commented Administrative Template policy settings, hiding policy settings without comments. Setting this property filter to No causes the editor to show only Administrative Template policy settings without comments, hiding commented policy settings.

Click OK to apply the new filter settings and close the Filter Options dialog box. Filters are inclusive, so select items you want to display rather than items you want to be removed. By default, the editor displays all policy settings. However, you can use keyword filters to change how the Local Group Policy Editor displays Administrative Template policy settings. Type one or more keywords in the Filter for word s box, and click the appropriate filter:. Any : The filter includes any of the words in the Filter for word s box.

All : The filter includes all of the words in the Filter for word s box. Exact : The filter includes exact matches of the words in the Filter for word s box. Policy Setting Title : The filter includes searching the title of the policy setting. However, you can use requirement filters to change how the Local Group Policy Editor displays Administrative Template policy settings.

In the Select the desired platform and application filter s list, click the appropriate filter:. You can click Select All to select all of the items in the list, or you can click Clear All to clear all of the items in the list.

You can include comments on each Administrative Template policy setting. You can use this space to further document the policy setting and why its implementation is important to your environment. Commenting policy settings allows you to use keyword filters to help you quickly find policy settings with matching keywords. In the console tree, click the folder under Administrative Templates that contains the policy setting you want to configure.

In the console tree, under either Computer Configuration or User Configuration , right-click Administrative Templates. To add a template, click Add. In the Policy Templates dialog box, click the template you want to add, and then click Open. I usually "install" them on my workstation and copy the templates to the store. This topic has been locked by an administrator and is no longer open for commenting. To continue this discussion, please ask a new question. I manage several M tenants all with Security Defaults enabled and in one specific tenant, for some reason, no users including Global Admins are able to create a Team directly in the Teams app using the "Join or create a team" option.

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