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Tissot T-Touch Expert user manual (English - 14 pages) - USER’S MANUAL


View the manual for the Tissot T-Touch Expert here, for free. This manual comes under the category Watches and has been rated by 9 people manual tissot t touch expert pdf free an average of a 8. This manual is available in the following languages: English. Do you have manual tissot t touch expert pdf free question about the Tissot T-Touch Expert or do you need help?

Ask your больше на странице here. Do you have a question about the Tissot T-Touch Expert and the answer is not in the manual? Provide a clear and comprehensive description of the problem and your question. The better your problem and question is described, the easier it is for other Tissot T-Touch Expert /11345.txt to provide you with a good answer.

Below you will find the product specifications and the manual specifications of the Tissot T-Touch Expert. Can't find the answer to your question in the manual? Is your question not listed? Tissot T-Touch Expert manual.

It gives you a constant analogue. In addition, the following functions can be accessed. Chronograph, Compass, Alarm and Thermometer.

Page: вот ссылка. Need help? Ask a question. A battery in my Watch has started to corrode. Is the device still safe to use? The product can still be used safely after proper cleaning. Remove the battery with gloves and clean the battery compartment with a toothbrush and vinegar. After drying, new batteries can be inserted into the device.

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Tissot T Touch Expert Solar Manual PDF | PDF | Altimeter | Altitude - Tissot T-TOUCH EXPERT Related Products


Quick Links. It gives you a constant analogue. In addition, the following functions can be accessed. Chronograph, Compass, Alarm manual tissot t touch expert pdf free Thermometer.

Table of Contents. Previous Page. Next Page. Swiss watches since t-touch, multifunctions 16 pages. It gives you a constant analogue adobe illustrator cs6 tutorials ppt free display and a manuzl of digital displays. Page 2 Official service manual tissot t touch expert pdf free adresses www.

The display light will stay on for 5 seconds. Options display Beep display Activate glass Switch to sub-menus: Automatic switch to see page 4 Units display standby mode after 5 seconds Beep every second Climate zone display Back to units display At any time: exit sub-menu — Pddf mode economises the battery when the watch is not being worn.

Furthermore, the pressure indicate the weather trend. Total cumulative loss in altitude Mean vertical speed of descent Back: Elapsed time or stopped time Start chrono Stop chrono Reset chrono a Flashing stop жмите сюда partial b Restart the chrono time displayed, and chrono counting the elapsed time In compass mode, the digital screen displays the angle between 12 o'clock and the minutes hand. Activate glass Compass display Azimuth display User compass calibration Back to compass display Turn the watch more than a complete revolution on a horizontal surface e.

An alarm lasts 30 seconds, without repeating. When the programmed time is reached, you can stop the tuch by pressing one of the push-buttons. Stop alarm 1 sec. Activate glass Alarm 1 display Alarm 2 display Alarm rings When a function is selected and the display is cleared, it is probably due to a failure of the selected function's sensor. To activate the functions on your T-TOUCH a gentle press on the push-buttons or touch on the glass is all that is required.

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