Ideas, Tips And Information: Adobe pagemaker with serial key - Code Project精彩系列(转)

Ideas, Tips And Information: Adobe pagemaker with serial key - Code Project精彩系列(转)

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Ideas, Tips And Information: Adobe pagemaker with serial key.

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Finite State Machine and Multithreading using. NET multi-threading and communication between threads. Managing shared resource access in. NET multi-threading. Multithreading Concepts in C. Converting single threaded C class to multithreaded one. Launching a process and displaying its standard output. Changing the default limit of 25 threads of ThreadPool class. Thread variables and the. NET thread pool. Creating your own thread pool in. Wait for threads in a ThreadPool object to complete.

Cancellable Thread Pool. An abstraction layer for applications to intercept access between the application and threadpool, to better manage processing upon it. Don't waste time! Synchronize your ThreadPool. Generic InvocationHelper. A generic class for providing thread-safe invocation of delegates. Can be used for but not limited to updating GUI elements from another thread. Threading paradigms available under the.

ThreadQueue -- A queue for threads that allows asynchronous execution and a time limit. PriorityLock - Release locks by priority. Sending parameters at thread startup. Idiot's Guide to Grid Computing I. Asynchronous File IO using anonymous method.

Real Multi-threading in. Improper Usage of Invoke 26 Jun This is a. A C implementation of the Twofish cipher.

Evolution computations on C. A simpler C genetic algorithm. Genetics Dot Net - The Basics. Unicode Optical Character Recognition. Inference in Belief Networks. This tool analyses the IL of a list of assemblies, looking for types, methods, and fields that are not used by another list of assemblies. This lets you see if you have unused legacy code lying around that should be cleaned up. Verhoeff Check Digit in C. NET Implementation. Fast statistical calculations of sub matrices for image processing.

Combinatorial algorithms in C. Simple Parrot Turing Algorithm in C. Fortune's Voronoi algorithm implemented in C. One dimensional root finding algorithms. High Speed Prime Numbers Calculation. Maze Solver shortest path finder. ArrayList Sort Tutorial. A Simple and Generic sorting technique for your business object collection. This article discusses sorting of a user defined collection object based on any of the properties of the business entity.

Generic Quick Sort using anonymous methods. QuickSort Algorithm using Generics in C 2. A SoundEx implementation in. An improvement on capturing similarity between strings. Aho-Corasick string matching in C. Boyer-Moore and related exact string matching algorithms.

Implementing C custom expression evaluator through RPN. Word stemming for German on. An article on word stemming algorithm, implemented for German language on the. NET framework. Fast, memory efficient Levenshtein algorithm. Combination Generator 12 Jun AI : Neural Network for beginners Part 1 of 3. AI : Neural Network for beginners Part 2 of 3.

Self-Organizing Feature Maps Kohonen maps. Artificial intelligence network load balancing using Ant Colony Optimisation. Cribbage Hand Counting Library 4 Sep A reusable Prefix Tree using generics in C 2. Encrypt and Decrypt an string.

GraphSynth - design, implement, and test graph grammars. Create Postfix from infix experssion. Simulated Annealing example in C. Photometric Normalisation Algorithms. SuDoku Solver and Generator. DES implementation in C. Bind Nested Tree view from database. An Asynchronous Socket Server and Client. Asynchronous Socket Communications Using the. Asynchronous socket communication. XML Based Communication library. A very basic TCP server written in C.

A Simple. Create your own Web Server using C. An Introduction to Socket Programming in. EasySocket - Flexible and easy implementation of client-server architecture in C. Sending Binary Data using Sockets. Protocol implementation. A word on asynchronous sockets. Peer Graph - Searching 6 Jan Command Line Emailer. Email Templates: A generic solution to handle template files. Sending the contents of a webpage with images as an HTML mail. Hotmail using C? Ready-to-use Mass Emailing Functionality with C ,.

The demo implementation uses cutting edge. NET technologies available today such as C ,. Sending complex emails in. BMail - sending dynamically generated EMails 2 Jan This package will help you send all kinds of EMails like account creation, order, mailing, reports, You can configure your own SMTP server, use notification and add attachments.

A class for sending emails with attachments in C. How to send a simple text email message. WallaAgent 29 Mar WallaAgent is a Walla free mail checking agent that runs on your computer instead of logging in to the Walla mail site.

Mail library using sockets, in C. Windows Email Client application using. NET C. Using FTP with. NET including sending server commands. FTP search of older files and delete them. Raw Ethernet Packet Sending.

Tracert Component for. NET Framework 2. TAPI 3. Blogging to LiveJournal. Finding IP Address Information. Serial Communication in. Display an Internet Connection status icon using. WebResourceProvider goes. Get IP Address from Web host name. Creating a global Whois class. Threaded WebDownload class with Progress Call-backs.

SharpPcap - A packet capture framework for. Peer Group - Identities. An introduction to Microsoft's Peer-to-Peer Graphing technology.

Network Shares and UNC paths. A collection class for listing all the computers and servers in your network, with category information. Network computer picker control. Retreiving a list of network computer names using C. Network Stuff easy socket v3. File Synchronization using a NAnt Task. Peer Graph - Exchanging Private Data.

Peer Group - Create, Open, and Delete. Peer Collaboration - Contacts. Network Sniffer and Connection Analyzer. Peer Collaboration - Applications. NNTP library that supports post retrieval with attachments and a lot more.

Handling basic NNTP commands. Getting the list of groups in a news server. Using PAC files proxy. Scalable Server Events with. Applications Traffic Watcher. Applications Traffic Watcher Lite. Remotely updating local user passwords with DirectoryServices. Tracert Map: View the IP network path on a map. Game Editor. Game Maker GML file. RFactor car physics. Guitar Pro 5. Grand Prix 4 car physics.

Microsoft Office Groove Space Archive. Microsoft Office Groove Tool Archive. WinHelp , Help Explorer Viewer. Hangul word processor. Magellan Meridian map. Magellan eXplorist map. Rom hacking community. KatzReview's MegaCrammer.

Keyhole Markup Language Zip compressed. Kurzweil sample file. LBR Archive. Lock On: Modern Air Combat. Advanced Audio Coding. Game map for Duke Nukem 3D. FotoInsight Designer. Multimedia Container Format predecessor of Matroska.

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